Title: Slipping Green Furiously

Final homework for Cellular Automata, a class taken through the School for Poetic Computation. 

Teacher: Murilo Polese


1. The title is a pun on Noam Chomsky's sentence, "colorless green ideas sleep furiously". This excerpt is from a short story I wrote about language processing -- word salads more specifically, and alludes to Chomsky's example of a grammatically correct, but nonsensical sentence. 

2. The ruleset for this automata: if the previous words ends with a consonant, the next word will fidget. If the previous word ends in a vowel, the next word will shudder. If the previous word is paused by a punctation sign, the next word will float. Furthermore, every word that has a prime number rank in the text will be un-blurred. A play on the idea that a word could be irreducible, to a person, and express something impossible to break down.

3. The ruleset is inspired by Markov's chain, a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event. Chomsky's example was a way to refute the more popular probabilistic models of grammar at the time, like Markov's.

4. I am not a linguist, but if you are, please feel free to send me comments or corrections or interesting tidbits! This project was made mostly for the fun of having Chomsky's sentence meet Markov's chain in a bit of lyrical prose. 

5. This short story will be published in its entirety in a traditional publication, in prose form.

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